In this navigation guide, we walk you through the entire mobile app experience for creating session logs. If you have a specific question, browse the frequently asked questions or use the search box and enter a question or topic.
If you still need help, please contact the DOE help desk by logging into ServiceNow and submitting an incident ticket at Or, call the IT help desk, Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (808) 564-6000. Neighbor islands, please use the HATS line at 8-1-808-692-7250.
- Log in to the app
- Add a shortcut to the app on your mobile device
- Change your user preferences
- Session logs overview
- Create a session log
- Search for a session log
- Edit a session log
- Delete a session log
- Log out of the app
Log in to the app
To log in to the mobile app:
- Using your mobile device, open an internet browser, such as Safari or Chrome.
- Enter the following web address:
- Enter your eCSSS username and password, then select Log in.

If you need to change your username or password, please contact the DOE help desk.
Add a shortcut to the app on your mobile device
To save time, you can add a shortcut on your mobile device so that you don’t have to enter the web address every time you need to log in.
For iPhones and other iOS mobile devices
To save time, you can add a shortcut on your mobile device so that you don’t have to enter the web address every time you need to log in.
- Open an internet browser, such as Safari or Chrome, and go to
- Select the share icon
, then select Add to Home Screen.
- On the Add to Home Screen window, select Add.

- Go to your home screen to view and move the shortcut icon.
For Android devices
- Open an internet browser, such as Chrome, and go to
- Select the ellipses
, then select Add to Home screen.
- On the Add to Home screen window, enter a title for the shortcut (optional), then select Add.

- Either select and hold the icon to manually place the shortcut on your Home screen or select Add Automatically.
Change your user preferences
In User Preferences, you can:
- Turn tooltips on and off. Tooltips appear when you select or hover over certain fields, and they provide helpful hints to complete those fields. Note that tooltips may not appear on some mobile devices.

- Set your default view on login. Note that you may only have one option depending on your role as a provider or scheduler.
To change your user preferences:
- Select the User Menu, then User Preferences.

- Select the toggle switch to turn a user preference on or off.

Session logs overview
If the Session Logs dashboard is not displayed upon login, use the hamburger menu to open the side navigation menu, and select Session Logs. On the Session Logs dashboard, you will see your last 5 session dates displayed under Recent Session Logs. Select a date to expand the section and view a summary of sessions logged for that day.

Create a session log
To create a session log, follow these steps:
- Go to the Session Logs dashboard and select +Add Log.

- In the Select Provider window, your name and credentials are displayed by default. For admin users, start typing the name of a provider, then choose the correct provider from the list. Enter the Session Date, then Next.

- In the Add Students window, select Search to retrieve active students with active counseling related services and active tiered services where you are the provider. Results are filtered to display students and plans with services that match the selected Session Date and Provider. Enter a student’s First Name and/or Last name to find a student by name.

- Select Filter to further refine search results. In the Filter By window, select filtering options, then Apply. Select Reset to revert to default filter settings.
- Support Type: Related Service and Tiered Service are selected by default. Select Non-caseload to include students who don’t have either plan.
- School: Start typing the name of the school, then choose a school from the list.
- Support Status: Select the checkbox to include inactive supports. By default, only active supports are returned.
- Student Type: Select the checkbox to include inactive students. By default, only active students are returned.

- From the results list, select the + next to each student to add to Selected Student(s). This field is displayed upon selecting the first student. When finished, select Create Log.

- If you selected more than one student, the Session Log Template is displayed. Entry on this screen is optional. Data entered in the template pre-populates the session logs for all your selected students. Select Save Template & Next to display the first student’s session log.

- On the Add Session Log screen, the # of Students Remaining and name of the Next Student is displayed in the header. Select Add/Remove Students to modify the list of selected students.

- Expand the purple student information section to view plan details for related services and tiered services.
- If the student did not attend the session, select Student Not Available, then complete Reason Student Not Available. Note that the session information fields will not need to be completed and will be hidden.

- Complete the session information fields.
- Select a Primary Method of Contact from the list. When Walk-in is selected, you must also select who the student was Referred by.
- Enter a Start Time and End Time, or enter a Start Time and Session Length.
- Session Length is automatically calculated when you enter a Start Time and End Time.
- End Time is automatically calculated when you enter a Start Time and Session Length.
- Enter a Group Size number, if applicable.
- Location is automatically populated with the student’s school, or the school selected in the template. If the session was held at another location, start typing and select the session location school from the list.
- Location Details is optional if you want to document additional information about the session location.
- Select a Delivery Mode from the list. If you select In-person, you will have the option to enter a Classroom Number.

- Next, document details in Target, Practice Element, and Outcome fields. These fields are treated as a set and all 3 are required for each set. You may optionally add Notes to provide justification of the outcome and/or a brief description of student disposition.
- Select a Target, Practice Element, and Outcome from the drop-down lists, or start typing to filter the list, then select. When ‘Other’ is selected as the Target or Practice Element, you will also be required to enter Other Description.
- Select + Add Target to add a maximum of 3 sets.
- Select the Trash icon to remove a set.
- Document Progress Measure information.
- Select a Progress Measure type from the drop-down list.
- Select or enter a Measure Description. If you select BIMAS as the Progress Measure, then BIMAS-related options are displayed in the Measure Description drop-down list. If you select ‘Other’, type a short description in the text field.
- Enter a Score.
- Select + Add Progress Measure to add a maximum of 3 measures.
- Select the Trash icon to remove a measure.
- If applicable, add Comments to indicate the IEP Objective(s) addressed in session and proposed next steps.
- Select the Provider Signature checkbox, and your username and today’s date appear as your digital signature.

- Next, Submit and Submit & Clone buttons are disabled by default. These buttons are enabled upon completing all required fields on the screen. Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
- Next is displayed only when creating logs for multiple students and there are students remaining.
- Select Next to add the current student to the Ready to Submit list and proceed to the next student.
- Submit is enabled when there are no students remaining and all required fields have been completed.
- Select Submit to submit the session log(s) and view the Submission History screen.
- Submit & Clone is displayed and enabled when creating a session log for a single student and all required fields have been completed. This option is not available when creating logs for multiple students.
- Select Submit & Clone to save the current session log and create a copy. The copy simplifies data entry for similar logs for the student. You can modify the copied log before submitting.
- Next is displayed only when creating logs for multiple students and there are students remaining.
- Select Ready to Submit at the top of the screen to view completed logs that are pending submission. This option is displayed upon selecting Next when adding session logs for more than one student.
- Select Cancel at any time to close a session log without submitting. If you are creating logs for more than one student, you’ll be presented with these options:
- Cancel this student and remaining students: Select this to cancel the current student and any students remaining in queue and submit session logs for Ready to Submit student(s).
- Cancel all, including Ready to Submit: Select this to cancel session logs for all students. No session logs will be submitted.
- Upon selecting Submit, a summary of session logs will be displayed on the Submission History screen.
Search for a session log
To help with continuity of supports, you may view all session logs for any student you have access to, including other providers’ logs. Only providers who are currently assigned to a student can view the student’s logs. Please contact the student’s school administration if you do not have access to a student you are assigned to.
To search for an existing session log, follow these steps:
- From the Session Logs dashboard, select Search Logs.

- Select Retrieve Logs to see all your session logs, or use the filters to narrow your search by student, school, support type, or dates. At least one filter must be selected to enable the Retrieve Logs button.
Note that the Find Provider field is limited to the provider currently logged in. Admin users may filter by the providers they have access to.

- To view a longer search results list, select the Items per page drop-down list. Select 10, 25, 50, or 100 to designate the maximum number of records displayed per page. Use the arrows at the bottom of the window to access the previous or next page.

- Select a record to view the session log details.
Edit a session log
As a provider, you can only edit your own session logs. Therefore, if you don’t have edit access to a session log, the Edit, Clone, and Delete icons are not shown. However, you can still select a record to display a read-only summary of the student’s session log.
To edit an existing session log, follow these steps:
- Search for the student or session log you want to change (refer to Search for a session log for instructions).
- Select the Edit icon to open the Edit Session Log window. Note that all changes are tracked and timestamped.

- Edit the fields as needed, then select Submit.
If you notice any error in student information, please advise the student’s school administration of the error.
Delete a session log
If you enter a session log by mistake, you can delete the session log by searching for the log and selecting the Delete icon.
Note that deleted session logs cannot be recovered. Therefore, if you delete a session log by mistake, you need to recreate the log (refer to Create a session log for instructions).
Log out of the app
To log out of the app, select the User Menu, then Logout.

Have questions?
Browse through the Lōkahi Session Log Frequently Asked Questions or contact the DOE help desk.